Tuesday 26 April 2011

My First Post

Hello to all and welcome to my blog!

My name is Rebecca and I've created this blog as a space to show what's going on in my Sims 3 game.

Right now, I've just started the Random Legacy Challence - Late Night Spin Off (which can be found here: http://randomlegacychallenge.blogspot.com/ )

I've deleted all my previous saved games and decided to try and stick to one save file/family for a whole 10 generations! Not sure I'll be able to stick to this...but trying it is the only way to find out!

This isn't going to be a masterpiece of epic Sims 3 storywriting, although along the way I may try and make it more story-style. For now, to keep things simple, I'm just going to be uploading pictures of the family and their offspring, and let you know how I'm doing with the challenges.

This is my first time writing a blog and using Blogger - exciting stuff! ^.~

Well, look out for my first post to meet my heir/heirs and see what they're getting up to.

Simmerella (^.~)